- broad in the beam
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
broad in the beam — Wide hipped • • • Main Entry: ↑beam * * * fat around the hips … Useful english dictionary
broad across the beam — adjective without fat on the hips and the bottom Syn: broad in the beam … Wiktionary
be broad in the beam — old fashioned to have a large bottom. Tess has always been rather broad in the beam, despite all those diets … New idioms dictionary
broad in the beam — Having large buttocks, hips, etc … A concise dictionary of English slang
beam´i|ness — beam|y «BEE mee», adjective, beam|i|er, beam|i|est. 1. like a beam; massive. 2. (of a ship) broad in the beam. 3. Figurative … Useful english dictionary
beam|y — «BEE mee», adjective, beam|i|er, beam|i|est. 1. like a beam; massive. 2. (of a ship) broad in the beam. 3. Figurative … Useful english dictionary
broad — broad1 W2S2 [bro:d US bro:d] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(wide)¦ 2¦(including a lot)¦ 3¦(general)¦ 4¦(large area)¦ 5¦(way of speaking)¦ 6 broad smile/grin 7 in broad daylight 8 broad hint 9 a broad church 10¦(humour)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
beam — 1 noun (C) 1 LIGHT a) a shining line of light from the sun, a lamp etc: We could see the beams of searchlights scanning the sky. b) a line of light, energy etc that you cannot see: a laser beam | The intruder passed through an infra red alarm… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
beam — beamless, adj. beamlike, adj. /beem/, n. 1. any of various relatively long pieces of metal, wood, stone, etc., manufactured or shaped esp. for use as rigid members or parts of structures or machines. 2. Building Trades. a horizontal bearing… … Universalium
broad — 1 adjective 1 WIDE a road, river, or part of someone s body etc that is broad is wide: We went along a broad carpeted passage. | He was six feet tall, with broad shoulders and slender hips. | 6 feet/3 metres etc broad The track was three metres… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English