- ectomycorrhizal
An exogenous supply of glucose has been shown to support ectomycorrhizal infection in a range of species.
Wikipedia foundation.
An exogenous supply of glucose has been shown to support ectomycorrhizal infection in a range of species.
Wikipedia foundation.
ectomycorrhizal — Referring to a mutualistic association between fungi and plant roots in which the fungus surrounds the root tip with a sheath … Dictionary of microbiology
Mycorrhizal network — Ectomycorrhizal hyphae extend out from one plant s roots they often encounter the root systems of other plants. If those plants also associate with ectomycorrhizal fungi, the hyphae will often grow around the root and create a new mycorrhizal… … Wikipedia
Gemeiner Steinpilz — (Boletus edulis) Systematik Ordnung: Röhrenpilze (Boletales) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paxillus involutus — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division … Wikipedia
Mycorrhiza — This mycorrhiza includes a fungus in the genus Amanita A mycorrhiza (Gk. μυκός, mykós, fungus and ριζα, riza, roots ,[1] pl mycorrhizae, mycorrhizas) is a symbiotic (generally mutualistic … Wikipedia
Boletus edulis — Boletus edulis … Wikipedia
Epiparasitismus — ist die indirekte Ausbeutung eines Lebewesens durch ein anderes unter Vermittlung eines Dritten. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte und Inhalt des Begriffs 2 Beispiele für epiparasitisch lebende Pflanzen 3 Siehe auch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hydnellum peckii — Bleeding tooth fungus Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi … Wikipedia
Ectomycorhize — Mycorhize La mycorhize (du grec myco ; champignon et rhiza ; racine) est le résultat de l association symbiotique entre des champignons et les racines des plantes. Fructification (ou carpophore) de l Amanite tue mouches ; c est la… … Wikipédia en Français
Endomycorhize — Mycorhize La mycorhize (du grec myco ; champignon et rhiza ; racine) est le résultat de l association symbiotique entre des champignons et les racines des plantes. Fructification (ou carpophore) de l Amanite tue mouches ; c est la… … Wikipédia en Français