- chronotherapy
An attempt to achieve to reset the circadian rhythm to achieve an earlier waking time by advancing bedtime later and later each day, around the clock, until the desired hour is reached.
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Chronotherapy — Intervention MeSH D019454 Chronotherapy refers to the use of circadian or other rhythmic cycles in the application of therapy. Types include: Sleep phase chronotherapy Drug chronotherapy … Wikipedia
chronotherapy — noun Date: 1973 treatment of a sleep disorder (as insomnia) by changing sleeping and waking times in an attempt to reset the patient s biological clock … New Collegiate Dictionary
chronotherapy — /kron euh ther euh pee, kroh neuh /, n. Med. a treatment for insomnia in which a person s normal cycle of waking and sleeping is altered. [1975 80; CHRONO + THERAPY] * * * … Universalium
chronotherapy — The practice of administering chemotherapy at certain times of the day that are thought to be optimal for enhanced activity or lessened toxicity. SEE ALSO: chrono oncology. [chrono + therapy] * * * chro·no·ther·a·py .krän ə ther ə pē, .krō nə … Medical dictionary
chronotherapy — noun the treatment of an illness or disorder by administering a drug at a time of day believed to be in harmony with the body s natural rhythms … English new terms dictionary
chronotherapy — chro·no·therapy … English syllables
chronotherapy — /ˈkroʊnoʊθɛrəpi/ (say krohnohtheruhpee) noun the coordination of biological rhythms with medical treatment to optimise benefits. {chrono + therapy} –chronotherapeutic /ˌkroʊnoʊθɛrəˈpjutɪk/ (say .krohnohtheruhpyoohtik), adjective …
chronotherapy — ˌ noun Etymology: chron + therapy 1. : treatment of a sleep disorder (as insomnia) by changing sleeping and waking times in an attempt to reset the patient s biological clock 2. : the administration of medication in coordination with the body s… … Useful english dictionary
Delayed sleep phase syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G47.2 ICD 9 327.31 … Wikipedia
Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G47.2 ICD 9 327.34 … Wikipedia