
1. noun
a) Nonsense; drivel; idle, meaningless talk.

Well, the new restaurant seems nice, but their menu is a little blah.

b) Low in spirit or health; down.

I decided to go exercise rather than sit around all day feeling blah.

a) An expression of mild frustration.

Blah! Why cant I get this computer to work!

b) (When spoken repeatedly, often three times in succession: blah blah blah!) Imitative of idle, meaningless talk; used sometimes in a slightly derogatory manner to mock or downplay anothers words, or to show disinterest in a diatribe, rant, instructions, unsolicited advice, parenting, etc. Also used when recalling and retelling anothers words, as a substitute for the portions of the speech deemed irrelevant.

Yea, yea, blah blah blah, Mom, you said this all yesterday.

Syn: blah blah blah, yada yada yada

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  • blah — ☆ blah [blä ] Slang n. [echoic] boring, predictable, or nonsensical talk or writing interj. used, usually repeated one or more times, to suggest such talk or writing, esp. when it continues for a long time [and the speaker went on, blah, blah,… …   English World dictionary

  • blah — /blah/, Slang. n. 1. nonsense; rubbish: What they say is blah. 2. the blahs, a feeling of physical uneasiness, general discomfort, or mild depression; malaise: After the long weekend many workers had the Monday morning blahs. adj. 3. insipid;… …   Universalium

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  • blah — (n.) idle, meaningless talk, 1918, probably echoic; the adjective meaning bland, dull is from 1919, perhaps influenced by Fr. blasé bored, indifferent. The blahs depression is attested by 1966 …   Etymology dictionary

  • blah — [adj] dull, lifeless banausic, bland, boring, dim, dreary, humdrum, monotone, monotonous, pedestrian, plodding, yawn producing*; concept 544 Ant. exciting, full of life, spirited …   New thesaurus

  • Blah — In English, blah is a word that is sometimes used as an expression for words or feelings where the specifics are not considered important to the speaker or writer for emotions. It is not often seen in formal writing, except when transcribing… …   Wikipedia

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  • blah — blah1 S2 [bla:] n [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: From the sound of empty talk] 1.) blah, blah, blah spoken used when you do not need to complete what you are saying because it is boring or because the person you are talking to already knows it ▪ You… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blah — blah1 [ bla ] noun uncount INFORMAL used instead of a word or thing on a list when it is not important to say exactly what that word or thing will be blah, blah, blah SPOKEN used for completing a sentence when you do not have to be definite or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • blah — 1 noun (U) 1 blah, blah, blah spoken used when you do not need to complete what you are saying because it is boring or because the person you are talking to already knows it: The answer to question 3, which South American country has blah, blah,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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