- medievalism
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medievalism — MEDIEVALÍSM s.n. (Rar) Medievalistică. [pr.: di e ] – Medieval + suf. ism. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 medievalísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
medievalism — (n.) 1846, from MEDIEVAL (Cf. medieval) + ISM (Cf. ism) … Etymology dictionary
medievalism — [mē′dē ē′vəliz΄əm, mid΄ē ē′vəliz΄əm, med΄ē ē′vəliz΄əm, mə dē′vəliz΄əm] n. 1. medieval spirit, beliefs, customs, etc. 2. devotion to or acceptance of medieval beliefs, habits, customs, etc. 3. a belief, custom, etc. characteristic of or surviving… … English World dictionary
Medievalism — For the interdisciplinary study of the medieval period, see Medieval studies. The Middle Ages in Romanticism: Pre Raphaelite painting of a knight and a lady (Lamia by John William Waterhouse, 1905). Medievalism is the system of belief and… … Wikipedia
medievalism — Mediaevalism Me di*[ae] val*ism (m[=e] d[i^]*[=e] val*[i^]z m), n. The method or spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to the institutions and practices of the Middle Ages; a survival from the Middle Ages. [Written also {medievalism}.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Medievalism — Medieval Me di*e val, Medievalism Me di*e val*ism, Medievalist Me di*e val*ist . Same as {Medi[ae]val}, {Medi[ae]valism}, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
medievalism — noun Date: 1853 1. medieval quality, character, or state 2. devotion to the institutions, arts, and practices of the Middle Ages … New Collegiate Dictionary
medievalism — /mee dee ee veuh liz euhm, med ee , mid ee , mid ee veuh /, n. 1. the spirit, practices, or methods of the Middle Ages. 2. devotion to or adoption of medieval ideals or practices. 3. a medieval belief, practice, or the like. Also, mediaevalism.… … Universalium
medievalism — me·di e·val·ism || ‚mɪËdɪɪËvÉ™lɪzm /‚med n. spirit or customs of the Middle Ages; devotion to or belief in medieval ideals or practices … English contemporary dictionary
medievalism — medie·val·ism … English syllables