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  • synodical — [si näd′i kəl] adj. 〚LL synodicus < Gr synodikos < synodos: see SYNOD〛 1. of a synod; synodal 2. Astron. of or having to do with conjunction, esp. with the interval (synodic period) between two successive conjuncti …   Universalium

  • synodical — [si näd′i kəl] adj. [LL synodicus < Gr synodikos < synodos: see SYNOD] 1. of a synod; synodal 2. Astron. of or having to do with conjunction, esp. with the interval (synodic period) between two successive conjunctions of the same celestial… …   English World dictionary

  • Synodical — Synodic Syn*od ic, Synodical Syn*od ic*al, a. [L. synodicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. synodique.] 1. (Eccl.) Of or pertaining to a synod; transacted in, or authorized by, a synod; as, synodical proceedings or forms. A synodical epistle. Bp. Stillingfleet.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Synodical College — provided education for young women and was a successor institution to the Fulton Female Academy opened by Rev. William W. Robertson in Fulton, Missouri in 1842 as one of the earliest American women s colleges.The school operated under the… …   Wikipedia

  • synodical month — Month Month (m[u^]nth), n. [OE. month, moneth, AS. m[=o]n[eth], m[=o]na[eth]; akin to m[=o]na moon, and to D. maand month, G. monat, OHG. m[=a]n[=o]d, Icel. m[=a]nu[eth]r, m[=a]na[eth]r, Goth. m[=e]n[=o][thorn]s. [root]272. See {Moon}.] One of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • synodical month — noun see synodic month * * * synodical month or synodic month, the interval between one new moon and the next, about 29½ days; lunar month: »The synodic month is the interval between successive conjunctions of the moon and sun, from new moon to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • synodical — adjective see synodic …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • synodical — adj. pertaining to a synod, pertaining to an assembly or council of church officials …   English contemporary dictionary

  • synodical — adjective 1》 Christian Church relating to or constituted as a synod. 2》 Astronomy another term for synodic …   English new terms dictionary

  • synodical — syn·od·i·cal …   English syllables

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