Rhotic — In linguistics, rhotic can refer to:* Rhotic consonant, such as the IPA| [ɹ] sound in red * R colored vowel, such as the IPA| [ɝ] sound in the American English pronunciation of fur * Rhotic accent, an accent where a rhotic consonant can occur… … Wikipedia
rhotic — /roh tik/, Phonet. adj. 1. of or pertaining to a dialect of English in which the r is pronounced at the end of a syllable or before a consonant: Midwestern American English is rhotic, while Southern British English is not. 2. of, pertaining to,… … Universalium
rhotic — /roh tik/, Phonet. adj. 1. of or pertaining to a dialect of English in which the r is pronounced at the end of a syllable or before a consonant: Midwestern American English is rhotic, while Southern British English is not. 2. of, pertaining to,… … Useful english dictionary
rhotic — UK [ˈrəʊtɪk] / US [ˈroʊtɪk] adjective linguistics used for describing an accent in which the speaker pronounces the letter r after a vowel, as most American and Scottish speakers do. In this dictionary the r in a rhotic accent is shown in… … English dictionary
Rhotic consonant — Rhotic consonants, or R like sounds, are non lateral liquid consonants. This class of sounds is difficult to characterise phonetically, though most of them share some acoustic peculiarities, most notably a lowered third formant in their sound… … Wikipedia
Rhotic and non-rhotic accents — English pronunciation can be divided into two main accent groups: a rhotic (pronounced /ˈroʊtɨk/, sometimes /ˈrɒtɨk/) speaker pronounces a rhotic consonant in words like hard; a non rhotic speaker does not. That is, rhotic speakers pronounce /r/… … Wikipedia
rhotic — adj. of or pertaining to the R sound; of pronouncing the letter R when it follows a vowel or at the end of a syllable … English contemporary dictionary
rhotic — [ rəʊtɪk] adjective Phonetics relating to or denoting a variety of English (e.g. in America and SW England) in which r is pronounced before a consonant (as in hard) and at the ends of words (as in far). Origin 1960s: from Gk rhot , stem of rho… … English new terms dictionary
rhotic — rho•tic [[t]ˈroʊ tɪk[/t]] adj. phn of or pertaining to any dialect of English in which r is pronounced at the end of a syllable or before a consonant • Etymology: 1955–60; < Gk rho rho … From formal English to slang
rhotic — /ˈroʊtɪk/ (say rohtik) adjective 1. of or relating to a variety or dialect in which a postvocalic written r is evident in the pronunciation as in the word hard in American and Scottish English (compared with the r less pronunciations of dialects… …