- flocculus
b) Either of two small lobes on the posterior border of the cerebellum
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Flocculus — is the diminutive form of the Latin word for a tuft of wool: floccus. It can refer to: Flocculus (cerebellar): Either of a pair of small lobes on the posterior border of the cerebellum, forming part of the vestibular part of the cerebellum. In… … Wikipedia
Flocculus — Floc cu*lus, n.; pl. {Flocculi}. [NL., dim. of L. floccus a lock or flock of wool.] (Anat.) A small lobe in the under surface of the cerebellum, near the middle peduncle; the subpeduncular lobe. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flocculus — [fläk′yə ləs] n. pl. flocculi [fläk′yo͞olī΄, fläk′yəlī΄] [ModL, dim. < L floccus, flock of wool: see FLOCCUS] 1. a small, woolly or hairy tuft or mass 2. Anat. a small lobe on the underside of each half of the cerebellum ☆ 3. Astron. a former… … English World dictionary
Flocculus — Floc|culus [flọk...; aus lat. flocculus = Flöckchen] m; , ...li: kleiner Lappen des Kleinhirns (Anat.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Flocculus — Floc|cu|lus der; , ...li <aus lat. flocculus, Verkleinerungsform von floccus »Flocke«> kleiner Lappen des Kleinhirns (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Flocculus — skiautė statusas T sritis centrinė nervų sistema atitikmenys: lot. Flocculus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – smegenėlės siauresnis terminas – skiautės kojytė … Paukščių anatomijos terminai
Flocculus — skiautė statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Flocculus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – smegenėlių pusrutulis siauresnis terminas – skiautės kojytė … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
Flocculus (cerebellar) — Infobox Brain Name = Flocculus Latin = GraySubject = 187 GrayPage = 791 Caption = Schematic representation of the major anatomical subdivisions of the cerebellum. Superior view of an unrolled cerebellum, placing the vermis in one plane. Caption2 … Wikipedia
flocculus — noun (plural flocculi) Etymology: Late Latin, diminutive of Latin floccus tuft of wool Date: 1799 1. a small loosely aggregated mass 2. a bright or dark patch on the sun … New Collegiate Dictionary
flocculus — n.; pl. li [L. floccus, lock of wool] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Hymenoptera, a tuft of hairs on the posterior coxa … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
flocculus — /flok yeuh leuhs/, n., pl. flocculi / luy /. 1. floccule. 2. Astron. one of the bright or dark patches on the sun s surface, visible in a spectroheliogram. [1790 1800; < NL; see FLOCCULE] * * * … Universalium