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List of butterflies of India (Nymphalidae) — This is a list of the butterflies of India belonging to the family Nymphalidae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full list of butterflies of India.Danainae (26 spp)See List of butterflies of India (Danainae).Morphinae… … Wikipedia
Chersonesia risa — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Blitz Research — Ltd is an Auckland, New Zealand based company which currently produces 3 BASIC based programming languages. Founded in 2000 by Mark Sibly, the company s first product was the now obsolete Blitz Basic 2D, a PC version of the Amiga Blitz Basic. It… … Wikipedia
Mapopolis — has been the creator of PDA/smartphone GPS navigation software Mapopolis Navigator. Mapopolis used data from Navteq[1]. Starting in 1999, Mapopolis first released software for the Palm OS and later added software for Pocket PC handhelds and… … Wikipedia
Горное дело — (a. mining, mining engineering; н. Bergbau; ф. industrie miniere, genie minier; и. ingenieria minera) область деятельности человека по освоению недр Земли. Включает все виды техногенного воздействия на земную кору, гл. обр. извлечение п.… … Геологическая энциклопедия
occult — [16] Something that is occult is etymologically ‘hidden’. The word comes from the past participle of Latin occulere ‘hide’, a compound verb formed from the prefix ob and an unrecorded *celere, a relative of cēlāre ‘hide’ (which forms the second… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
occult — [16] Something that is occult is etymologically ‘hidden’. The word comes from the past participle of Latin occulere ‘hide’, a compound verb formed from the prefix ob and an unrecorded *celere, a relative of cēlāre ‘hide’ (which forms the second… … Word origins