- alternativity
a) A characteristic of something having alternative connotations, akin to the representation of choice between two or more possibilities.
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Alternativity — In abstract algebra, a magma G is said to be left alternative if ( xx ) y = x ( xy ) for all x and y in G and right alternative if y ( xx )=( yx ) x for all x and y in G . A magma that is both left and right alternative is said to be… … Wikipedia
alternativity — al·ter·na·tiv·i·ty … English syllables
alternativity — (ˌ)ȯlˌtərnəˈtivəd.ē also (ˌ)al noun ( es) : the power to choose between two courses of action … Useful english dictionary
Associativity — In mathematics, associativity is a property that a binary operation can have. It means that, within an expression containing two or more of the same associative operators in a row, the order that the operations occur does not matter as long as… … Wikipedia
Binomial theorem — The binomial coefficients appear as the entries of Pascal s triangle. In elementary algebra, the binomial theorem describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial. According to the theorem, it is possible to expand the power… … Wikipedia
Division algebra — In the field of mathematics called abstract algebra, a division algebra is, roughly speaking, an algebra over a field, in which division is possible. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Associative division algebras 3 Not necessarily asso … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (A) — NOTOC A A Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind (book) A Beautiful Mind (film) A Brief History of Time (film) A Course of Pure Mathematics A curious identity involving binomial coefficients A derivation of the discrete Fourier transform A equivalence A … Wikipedia
Charles Uzzell Edwards — (born in south Wales in 1968) is a graffiti artist known by the moniker Pure Evil and is a stablemate of Banksy. He has exhibited in New York, US, in the UK and in France. In the early 90 s Charles was one of the designers for Anarchic Adjustment … Wikipedia
Homoarchy — Definition Homoarchy is “the relation of elements to one another when they are rigidly ranked one way only, and thus possess no (or not more than very limited) potential for being unranked or ranked in another or a number of different ways at… … Wikipedia
Inkie — Influenced by punk rock album graphics, 2000AD comics and early New York wild style pioneers such as Dondi, Seen T Kid, Inkie started out 1983 painting alongside 3D of Massive Attack fame and Nick Walker.In 1989 he came 2nd in the World Street… … Wikipedia