- racemization
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racemization — [ras΄ə mi zā′shən] n. the conversion of an optically active substance into a racemic form … English World dictionary
Racemization — In chemistry racemization refers to partial conversion of one enantiomer into another. Stereochemistry Chiral molecules have two forms (at each point of asymmetry) which differ in their optical characteristics: the levorotatory form (the (−) form … Wikipedia
racemization — racemizacija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Racemato susidarymas vienam enantiomerui virstant kitu. atitikmenys: angl. racemization rus. рацемизация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
racemization — noun Date: 1895 the action or process of changing from an optically active compound into a racemic compound or mixture • racemize verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
racemization — /ras euh meuh zay sheuhn, ray see meuh /, n. Chem. the conversion of an optically active substance into an optically inactive mixture of equal amounts of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms. [1890 95; RACEME + IZATION] * * * … Universalium
racemization — Partial conversion of one enantiomorph into another (as an l amino acid to the corresponding d amino acid) so that the specific optical rotation is decreased, or even reduced to zero, in the resulting mixture. * * * ra·ce·mi·za·tion also Brit… … Medical dictionary
racemization — race·mi·za·tion … English syllables
racemization — rac•e•mi•za•tion [[t]ˌræs ə məˈzeɪ ʃən, reɪˈsi mə , rə [/t]] n. chem. the conversion of an optically active substance into an optically inactive mixture of equal amounts of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms • Etymology: 1895 … From formal English to slang
racemization — ˌrasəmə̇ˈzāshən; rāˌsēm , rəˌs noun ( s) Etymology: racemize + ation : the action or process of changing from an optically active compound into a racemic compound or mixture opposed to resolution … Useful english dictionary
Amino acid dating — is a technique used to estimate age in a wide variety ofsituations. This technique relates changes in amino acid molecules to thetime elapsed since they were formed. This technique is used in paleobiology, archaeology, forensic science, and… … Wikipedia