out of thin air

out of thin air
from non-existent, unknown or hidden resources

They dont seem to want to work to earn a living. They think they can make money out of thin air.

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  • out of thin air — {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. * /The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./ * /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of thin air — {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. * /The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./ * /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of thin air — out of nothing or from nowhere The deer seemed to jump out of thin air and onto the road …   Idioms and examples

  • out of thin air — adverb without warning your cousin arrived out of thin air • Syn: ↑out of nothing, ↑from nowhere * * * out of thin air used to say that someone or something appears in a sudden and unexpected way He appeared out of thin air. [=out of nowhere] …   Useful english dictionary

  • out\ of\ thin\ air — adv. phr. Out of nothing or from nowhere. The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air. On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared out of thin …   Словарь американских идиом

  • out of thin air — from nowhere or nothing. How can magicians produce coins out of thin air? Pascal s discoveries did not come from thin air they re based on the work of earlier mathematicians. Related vocabulary: out of the blue …   New idioms dictionary

  • thin air — noun nowhere to be found in a giant void it vanished into thin air • Hypernyms: ↑nothingness, ↑void, ↑nullity, ↑nihility * * * thin air Into (or out of) nothing or nothingness ● thin * * * used to refer to the state of being invisible or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • thin air — noun The insubstantial atmosphere as a metaphor for an unknown location See Also: into thin air, out of thin air, out of the blue …   Wiktionary

  • into of thin air — into/​out of thin air phrase if someone or something disappears into thin air or appears out of thin air, they disappear or appear in a sudden and mysterious way When I looked round he seemed to have vanished into thin air. It just happened, out… …   Useful english dictionary

  • disappear into thin air — disappear/vanish into thin air out of thin air if something appears or is made out of thin air, it suddenly and mysteriously appears or is made. He ran away eight years ago and it was as though he vanished into thin air. Have you seen my… …   New idioms dictionary

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