- constitutionalize
b) To provide with a constitution
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constitutionalize — (Amer.) v. supply with a constitution; make constitutional; incorporate in a constitution; take a walk for health purposes or to help digestion (also constitutionalise) … English contemporary dictionary
constitutionalize — verb 1. provide with a constitution, as of a country The United States were constitutionalized in the late 18th century • Derivationally related forms: ↑constitution • Hypernyms: ↑supply, ↑provide, ↑render, ↑furnish … Useful english dictionary
constitutionalize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1831 to provide with a constitution ; organize along constitutional principles • constitutionalization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
constitutionalize — constitutionalization, n. /kon sti tooh sheuh nl uyz , tyooh /, v.t., constitutionalized, constitutionalizing. 1. to incorporate in a constitution; make constitutional. 2. to provide a constitution for. Also, esp. Brit., constitutionalise. [1825… … Universalium
constitutionalize — con·sti·tu·tion·al·ize … English syllables
constitutionalize — con•sti•tu•tion•al•ize [[t]ˌkɒn stɪˈtu ʃə nlˌaɪz, ˈtyu [/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing 1) cvb gov to incorporate in a constitution; make constitutional 2) cvb gov to provide a constitution for • Etymology: 1825–35 con sti•tu tion•al•i•za′tion, n … From formal English to slang
constitutionalized — constitutionalize (Amer.) v. supply with a constitution; make constitutional; incorporate in a constitution; take a walk for health purposes or to help digestion (also constitutionalise) … English contemporary dictionary
constitutionalizes — constitutionalize (Amer.) v. supply with a constitution; make constitutional; incorporate in a constitution; take a walk for health purposes or to help digestion (also constitutionalise) … English contemporary dictionary
constitutionalizing — constitutionalize (Amer.) v. supply with a constitution; make constitutional; incorporate in a constitution; take a walk for health purposes or to help digestion (also constitutionalise) … English contemporary dictionary
Section Twenty-five of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — is the first section under the heading General in the Charter , and like other sections within the General sphere, it aids in the interpretation of rights elsewhere in the Charter . While section 25 is also the Charter section that deals most… … Wikipedia