- Pan-Turkism
A political movement started more than 100 years ago aiming to unite the various Turkic peoples into a modern political state.See Also: Pan-Turkist
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Pan-Turkism — is a political movement aiming to unite the various Turkic peoples into a modern political state, a confederation, or an economic union closely resembling that of the European Union.NameIn the research literature, the term Pan Turkism is used to… … Wikipedia
Pan-turkism — Originally a religious and cultural project of Volga and Crimean Tatars against Russification, pan Turkism expanded beyond the Romanov Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was loosely linked to Jadidism, a modernizing … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Pan-Turkism — Political movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which had as its goal the political union of all Turkic speaking peoples in the Ottoman Empire, Russia, China, Iran, and Afghanistan. The movement, which began among the Turks in the… … Universalium
Pan-nationalism — is a form of nationalism distinguished by the large scale of the claimed national territory, and because it often defines the nation on the basis of a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups. It shares the general nationalist ideology, that the … Wikipedia
Pan — /pan/, n. the ancient Greek god of forests, pastures, flocks, and shepherds, represented with the head, chest, and arms of a man and the legs and sometimes the horns and ears of a goat. /pan/, n. an international distress signal used by shore… … Universalium
Pan-Celticism — is the name given to a variety of movements that espouse greater contact between the various Celtic nations.Types of Pan CelticismPan Celticism can operate on the following levels: * Linguistic many organisations promote linguistic ties, notably… … Wikipedia
Pan-Iranism — is an ideology that advocates solidarity and reunification of Iranian peoples living in the Iranian continent and Iranian plateau ( Falāte Īrān ), including Ossetians, Kurds, Armenians, Persians (including the Tajiks and Qizilbash), Hazaras,… … Wikipedia
Pan-Turanismus — Der Turanismus (türk. turancılık) ist eine Ideologie, die einen gemeinsamen Ursprung der Türken, Ungarn, Finnen, Esten, Mongolen, Mandschuren und Jakuten annimmt.[1] Die spekulative Urheimat dieser „Turanier“ oder „turaniden Rasse“ war Turan,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pan — pan1 panner, n. /pan/, n., v., panned, panning. n. 1. a broad, shallow container of metal, usually having sides flaring outward toward the top, used in various forms for frying, baking, washing, etc. 2. any similar receptacle or part, as the… … Universalium
Pan-Turkismus — Panturkismus bedeutete im späten 19. und im frühen 20. Jahrhundert den Wunsch nach Vereinigung aller Turkvölker in einem einzigen Staat. Der Panturkismus weist auch starke Überschneidungen mit dem Turanismus auf, weshalb beide Begriffe oft auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia