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gooselike — adjective having or revealing stupidity ridiculous anserine behavior a dopey answer a dopey kid some fool idea about rewriting authors books • Syn: ↑anserine, ↑dopy, ↑dopey, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
goose — gooselike, adj. /goohs/, n., pl. geese for 1, 2, 4, 8, 9; gooses for 5 7; v., goosed, goosing. n. 1. any of numerous wild or domesticated, web footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are… … Universalium
shelduck — /shel duk /, n., pl. shelducks, (esp. collectively) shelduck. 1. a sheldrake. 2. a female sheldrake. [1700 10; SHEL(DRAKE) + DUCK1] * * * or sheldrake Any of several short billed, somewhat gooselike, Old World ducks with long legs and an upright… … Universalium
anseriform — ▪ bird order Introduction any of the 150 species comprising the bird order Anseriformes, which comprises the ducks (duck), geese (goose), and swans (swan) (family Anatidae) and the screamers (the three species of family Anhimidae). Anatidae… … Universalium
Dopey — Dop ey, Dopy Dop y, a. 1. stupid; as, a dopy kid. [Colloq.] Syn: cloddish, doltish. [PJC] 2. [affected by {dope[2]}.] dulled or stupefied by alcohol or narcotics; sluggish or dull as though under the influence of a narcotic. [Slang] [Webster 1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dopy — Dopey Dop ey, Dopy Dop y, a. 1. stupid; as, a dopy kid. [Colloq.] Syn: cloddish, doltish. [PJC] 2. [affected by {dope[2]}.] dulled or stupefied by alcohol or narcotics; sluggish or dull as though under the influence of a narcotic. [Slang]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gastornithiformes — Taxobox name = Gastornithiformes fossil range = Late Paleocene middle Eocene image width = 200px image caption = Life restoration of Gastornis (formerly Diatryma ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves subclassis = Neornithes… … Wikipedia
Muscovyduck — Muscovy duck n. A greenish black, gooselike duck (Cairina moschata), having heavy red wattles and found wild from Mexico to northern Argentina but widely domesticated around the world for its succulent flesh. Also called musk duck. [Alteration… … Universalium
anserine — /an seuh ruyn , rin/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the subfamily Anserinae, of the family Anatidae, comprising the true geese. 2. resembling a goose; gooselike. 3. stupid; foolish; silly. Also, anserous. [1830 40; < L anserinus of, pertaining to… … Universalium
magpie goose — a black and white gooselike bird, Anseranas semipalmatus, of Australia, believed to be the most primitive waterfowl in existence. [1895 1900] * * * ▪ bird also called pied goose or semipalmated goose large unusual waterfowl of Australia … Universalium