
adjective /amˈnɛstɪk/
That causes amnesia.

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  • Amnestic — Am*nes tic, a. Causing loss of memory. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • amnestic — (adj.) causing loss of memory, 1879, from Gk. amnestia oblivion, forgetfulness; see AMNESIA (Cf. amnesia) …   Etymology dictionary

  • amnestic — AMNÉSTI//C amnesticcă (amnesticci, amnesticce) şi substantival (despre substanţe) Care provoacă amnezie. /<fr. amnéstique Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX  AMNÉSTIC, Ă adj., s.n. (Substanţă) care provoacă amnezie. [< fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • amnestic — 1. SYN: amnesic. 2. An agent causing amnesia. * * * am·nes·tic am nes tik adj AMNESIC also causing amnesia <electroconvulsive shock as an amnestic agent> * * * am·nes·tic (am nesґtik) 1. amnesic. 2. causing amnesia …   Medical dictionary

  • amnestic — adjective of or relating to or caused by amnesia • Syn: ↑amnesic • Pertains to noun: ↑amnesia (for: ↑amnesic), ↑amnesia • Derivationally related forms: ↑amnesic …   Useful english dictionary

  • amnestic disorders — [DSM IV] mental disorders characterized by acquired impairment in the ability to learn and recall new information, sometimes accompanied by inability to recall previously learned information, and not coupled to dementia or delirium. The disorders …   Medical dictionary

  • amnestic — See amnesiac. * * * …   Universalium

  • amnestic — adj. suffering from amnesia, suffering a partial or complete loss of memory …   English contemporary dictionary

  • amnestic — am·nes·tic …   English syllables

  • amnestic apraxia — loss of ability to carry out a movement on command as a result of inability to remember the command, although ability to perform the movement is present …   Medical dictionary

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