
Any of several extinct marine reptiles, of the order Plesiosauria, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods

"Look!" cried Olson. "Would you look at the giraffe comin up out o the bottom of the say?" We looked in the direction he pointed and saw a long, glossy neck surmounted by a small head rising above the surface of the river. Presently the back of the creature was exposed, brown and glossy as the water dripped from it. It turned its eyes upon us, opened its lizard-like mouth, emitted a shrill hiss and came for us. The thing must have been sixteen or eighteen feet in length and closely resembled pictures I had seen of restored plesiosaurs of the lower Jurassic.

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  • Plesiosaur — Ple si*o*saur, n. (Paleon.) One of the Plesiosauria. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plesiosàur — m geol. zool. fosilni reptil (Plesiosaurus), morska životinja vrlo male glave, duga vrata, dug do 13 m, živio u trijasu do krede; veslogmaz …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • plesiosaur — plesiosàur m DEFINICIJA geol. zool. fosilni reptil (Plesiosaurus), morska životinja vrlo male glave, duga vrata, duga do 13 m, živjela u trijasu do krede; veslogmaz ETIMOLOGIJA grč. plḗsios: bliz + saȗros: gušter …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • plesiosaur — [plē′sē ə sôr΄] n. [< ModL Plesiosaurus < Gr plēsios, close, near, akin to pelos, near (prob. < IE base * pel , to push > FELT1, L pellere, to drive) + SAUR] any of an extinct group (order Sauropterygia) of large water reptiles of the …   English World dictionary

  • Plesiosaur — Taxobox name = Plesiosaur fossil range = Early Jurassic Late Cretaceous image caption = Plesiosaurus . regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = †Sauropterygia ordo = †Plesiosauria subordo = †Plesiosauroidea subordo… …   Wikipedia

  • plesiosaur — plesiosauroid, adj. /plee see euh sawr /, n. any marine reptile of the extinct genus Plesiosaurus, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, having a small head, a long neck, four paddlelike limbs, and a short tail. [ < NL Plesiosaurus (1821),… …   Universalium

  • plesiosaur — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek plēsios close (akin to Greek pelas near) + sauros lizard Date: 1839 any of an order or suborder (Plesiosauria) of large carnivorous marine reptiles of the Mesozoic with dorsoventrally flattened bodies and… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • plesiosaur — n. extinct marine reptile of the Mesozoic era (having a small head, long flexible neck, four large paddlelike limbs and a short tail) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • plesiosaur — [ pli:sɪəsɔ:, pli:z ] noun a large fossil marine reptile of the Mesozoic era, with large paddle like limbs and a long flexible neck. Origin C19: from mod. L. Plesiosaurus, from Gk plēsios near (because closely related to the lizards) + sauros… …   English new terms dictionary

  • plesiosaur — ple·si·o·saur …   English syllables

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