
Resembling or characteristic of a mesh.

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  • Pupa — of the Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) A pupa (Latin pupa for doll, pl: pupae or pupas) is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete… …   Wikipedia

  • Boletus luridus — Taxobox name = Boletus luridus image width = 280px image caption = B. luridus , regnum = Fungi divisio = Basidiomycota classis = Agaricomycetes ordo = Boletales familia = Boletaceae genus = Boletus species = B. luridus binomial = Boletus luridus… …   Wikipedia

  • aneurysm — aneurysmal, aneurismal, adj. aneurysmally, aneurismally, adv. /an yeuh riz euhm/, n. Pathol. a permanent cardiac or arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall. Also, aneurism. [1650 60; < Gk aneúrysma dilation, equiv. to… …   Universalium

  • bacteria — bacterial, adj. bacterially, adv. /bak tear ee euh/,, sing. bacterium / tear ee euhm/. ubiquitous one celled organisms, spherical, spiral, or rod shaped and appearing singly or in chains, comprising the Schizomycota, a phylum of the kingdom …   Universalium

  • dicotyledon — /duy kot l eed n, duy kot l /, n. Bot. any angiospermous plant of the class (or subclass) Dicotyledoneae, producing seeds with two cotyledons and having an exogenous manner of growth. Cf. monocotyledon. [1720 30; < NL Dicotyledones a pre Linnean… …   Universalium

  • gauze — gauzelike, adj. /gawz/, n. 1. any thin and often transparent fabric made from any fiber in a plain or leno weave. 2. a surgical dressing of loosely woven cotton. 3. any material made of an open, meshlike weave, as of wire. 4. a thin haze. [1555… …   Universalium

  • metal lath — metal lather. 1. any of various meshlike laths of metal for plastering. 2. nondecorative interior metalwork for supporting lighting fixtures, dropped ceilings, etc. * * * …   Universalium

  • nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… …   Universalium

  • protein — proteinaceous /proh tee nay sheuhs, tee i nay /, proteinic, proteinous, adj. /proh teen, tee in/, n. 1. Biochem. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the… …   Universalium

  • screen — screenable, adj. screener, n. screenless, adj. screenlike, adj. /skreen/, n. 1. a movable or fixed device, usually consisting of a covered frame, that provides shelter, serves as a partition, etc. 2. a permanent, usually ornamental partition, as… …   Universalium

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