- ferae naturae
b) applied to undomesticated animals which no one can legally claim as their property.
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ferae naturae — fe·rae na·tu·rae / fir ē nə chu̇r ē, tu̇r , tyu̇r ; fer ˌī nä tü ˌrī/ adj [New Latin, literally, of a wild nature]: wild by nature: not usu. tamed ◇ Animals like wild ducks or bees are considered ferae naturae. At common law they cannot be… … Law dictionary
Ferae naturae — Ferae naturae, Latin for nature [wild] animals, is a legal term that means any animals that are not designated domesticated animals by law. In property law, ferae naturae residing on unowned real property are not predisposed to one party or… … Wikipedia
Ferae naturae — Fe r[ae] na*tu r[ae] [L.] Of a wild nature; applied to animals, as foxes, wild ducks, etc., in which no one can claim property. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ferae naturae — [fē′rē nə to͞o′rē] pl.n. [L, of a wild nature] Law nondomesticated animals and fowls that are no one s private property … English World dictionary
ferae naturae — ˈfeˌrīnəˈtu̇ˌrē; ˈfeˌrēnəˈtu̇ˌrē, ˈfiˌ adjective Etymology: Latin, of a wild nature of an animal : wild by nature : not usually tamed used of such animals as foxes and wild ducks in which at the common law no one can claim absolute property… … Useful english dictionary
ferae naturae — /fee ree neuh toor ee, tyoor ee/, Law. (of animals) wild or undomesticated (distinguished from domitae naturae). [1655 65; < L: lit., of a wild nature] * * * … Universalium
ferae naturae — /firiy nstyuriy/ Lat. Of a wild nature or disposition. Animals which are by nature wild are so designated, by way of distinction from such as are naturally tame, the latter being called domitae naturae … Black's law dictionary
ferae naturae — /firiy nstyuriy/ Lat. Of a wild nature or disposition. Animals which are by nature wild are so designated, by way of distinction from such as are naturally tame, the latter being called domitae naturae … Black's law dictionary
ferae naturae — adjective Etymology: Latin, of a wild nature Date: circa 1661 wild by nature and not usually tamed … New Collegiate Dictionary
ferae naturae — (Latin) wild, undomesticated (of an animal) … English contemporary dictionary