dead soldier
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dead soldier — ☆ dead soldier n. Slang an empty beer, wine, or whiskey bottle … English World dictionary
dead soldier — AND dead man; dead marine; dead one 1. n. an empty liquor or beer bottle. □ Toss your dead soldiers in the garbage, please. □ A dead marine fell off the table and woke up all the drunks. 2. n. a cigarette butt. (Less common than sense 1.) □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
dead soldier — noun : dead man 2 * * * Slang. an empty beer, liquor, or wine bottle or empty beer can. [1915 20] * * * dead soldier, U.S. Slang. 1. an empty wine or whiskey bottle. 2. an empty beer can or bottle … Useful english dictionary
dead soldier — an empty bottle of wine or spirits The imagery is from the military appearance of a line of bottles: I d take [a bottle of brandy] to him if he had a dead soldier. (Sanders, 1980) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
dead soldier — dead′ sol′dier n. Slang. sts an empty wine or liquor bottle • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
dead soldier — n An empty beer bottle. They were in the living room surrounded by a case of dead soldiers. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang
dead soldier — n an empty bottle (of alcohol). The phrase was first used by members of the British armed forces about 200 years ago, lik ening the aftermath of a drinking bout to a battlefield littered with corpses. I ll clear up the dead soldiers while you… … Contemporary slang
dead soldier — Slang. an empty beer, liquor, or wine bottle or empty beer can. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
dead — (adj.) O.E. dead dead, also torpid, dull; of water, still, standing, from P.Gmc. *dauthaz (Cf. O.S. dod, Dan. dèd, Swed. död, O.Fris. dad, M.Du. doot, Du. dood, O.H.G. tot, Ger. tot, O.N. dauðr, Goth … Etymology dictionary
soldier — 1. n. a liquor bottle; an empty liquor bottle. (See also dead soldier.) D Toss your soldier into the garbage, please. □ There was a broken soldier on the floor and a cap on the table. 2. n. a whole tobacco cigarette. □ The old man almost fell… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions