
1. noun /skwɛə(r)/
a) Any simple object with four nearly straight and nearly equal sides meeting at nearly right angles.

There are so many uses for the square, in fact, that a new model will usually come complete with a booklet enumerating its applications. - [ The Carpenters Square]

b) An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles.

Youre not in Wisconsin, Dave. The big story isnt about a cow wandering into the town square.

2. adjective /skwɛə(r)/
a) Shaped like a square (the polygon).

square metre

b) At right angles to.

square mile

3. verb /skwɛə(r)/
a) To adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle to something else.

The casting was mounted on a milling machine so that its sides could be squared.

b) To resolve.

John can square this question up for us.

Syn: ²

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  • Square Co. — Square (entreprise) Logo de Square Co. Création septembre 1983 Dates clés 1986 : indépendance 1987 1988 : énorme succès de Final Fantasy 1997 : succès mondial de Final Fantasy …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Square — may mean:Mathematics*Square (algebra), to multiply a number or other quantity by itself **Perfect square **Square matrix **Square number **Square root*Square (geometry), a polygon with four equal sides and angles **Unit square*Square wave, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Square — (skw[^a]r), n. [OF. esquarre, esquierre, F. [ e]querre a carpenter s square (cf. It. squadra), fr. (assumed) LL. exquadrare to make square; L. ex + quadrus a square, fr. quattuor four. See {Four}, and cf. {Quadrant}, {Squad}, {Squire} a square.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Square — (skw[^a]r), a. 1. (Geom.) Having four equal sides and four right angles; as, a square figure. [1913 Webster] 2. Forming a right angle; as, a square corner. [1913 Webster] 3. Having a shape broad for the height, with rectilineal and angular rather …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • square — [ skwar ] n. m. • 1715, puis mil. XIXe; mot angl., proprt « carré », de l a. fr. esquarre; cf. équerre ♦ Petit jardin public, généralement entouré d une grille et aménagé au milieu d une place (cf. Carré, au Québec). Enfants qui jouent dans un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • square — [skwer] n. [ME < OFr esquarre < VL * exquadra < * exquadrare, to make square < L ex, out + quadrare, to square < quadrus, a square < base of quattuor,FOUR] 1. a plane figure having four equal sides and four right angles: see… …   English World dictionary

  • SQUARE — BRUSSELS MEETING CENTRE est le nom donné au principal centre de congrès de la ville de Bruxelles. SQUARE est géré par GL Events[1] group et situé dans le centre historique et culturel de la capitale belge, le Mont des Arts. Avec son entrée en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • square — ► NOUN 1) a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles. 2) an open, typically four sided, area surrounded by buildings. 3) an area within a military barracks or camp used for drill. 4) the product of a number multiplied by… …   English terms dictionary

  • Square — Square, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Squared} (skw[^a]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Squaring}.] [Cf. OF. escarrer, esquarrer. See {Square}, n.] 1. To form with four equal sides and four right angles. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. To form with right angles and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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