- somatomedin
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Somatomedin — is a group of hormones that is produced, when stimulated by somatotropin (STH), to promote cell growth and division [eMedicineDictionary|Somatomedin] . In this way, they mediate the effect of somatotropin (also known as growth hormone… … Wikipedia
somatomedin — [sə mat΄ə mēd′ən, sō΄mə təmēd′ən] n. any of a group of protein hormones produced in the liver and regulating the activity of growth hormones in building muscle and cartilage … English World dictionary
somatomedin — Generic term for insulin like growth factors (IGFs) produced in the liver and released in response to somatotropin. Somatomedins stimulate the growth of bone and muscle, and also influence calcium, phosphate, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Somatomedin receptor — A somatomedin receptor is a receptor which binds somatomedin.There are two types: * Insulin like growth factor 1 receptor * Insulin like growth factor 2 receptorExternal links* … Wikipedia
somatomedin — noun Etymology: somat + intermediary + 1 in Date: 1971 any of several endogenous peptides produced especially in the liver that are dependent on and probably mediate growth hormone activity (as in sulfate uptake by epiphyseal cartilage) … New Collegiate Dictionary
somatomedin — /seuh mat euh meed n, soh meuh teuh /, n. Biochem. any of various liver hormones that enhance the activity of a variety of other hormones, as somatotropin. [1970 75; SOMATO or SOMATO(TROPIN) + med , as in INTERMEDIARY + IN2] * * * … Universalium
somatomedin — S. A is a peptide (MW about 4,000), synthesized in the liver and probably in the kidney, that is capable of stimulating certain anabolic processes in bone and cartilage, such as synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein (including chondromucoprotein),… … Medical dictionary
Somatomedin — So|ma|to|me|din [Kurzw. aus ↑ Somatotropin u. ↑ intermediär], das; s, e; Abk.: SM; Syn.: Insulin like Growth Factor (ILGF, IGF), Non suppressible Insulin like Activity (NSILA), Sulfation Factor ( … Universal-Lexikon
somatomedin A — former name for insulinlike growth factor II … Medical dictionary
somatomedin C — former name for insulinlike growth factor I … Medical dictionary