- Chad
- noun /tʃæd/a) A country in Central Africa. Official name: Republic of Chad.b) . Also a modern nickname for Charles, Chadwick and similar-sounding names
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chad — /chad/, n. Computers. a small paper disk or square formed when a hole is punched in a punch card or paper tape. [1945 50; orig. uncert.] * * * Chad Introduction Chad Background: Chad, part of France s African holdings until 1960, endured three… … Universalium
Chad — /chad/, n. 1. Lake, a lake in Africa at the junction of four countries: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria. 5000 to 10,000 sq. mi. (13,000 to 26,000 sq. km) (seasonal variation). 2. Official name, Republic of Chad. a republic in N central Africa … Universalium
Chad — Chad1 [chad] n. a masculine name Chad2 [chad] 1. country in NC Africa, south of Libya: formerly a French territory, it became independent in 1960: 495,755 sq mi (1,284,000 sq km); pop. 6,288,000; cap. N Djamena 2. Lake lake mostly in Chad, at the … English World dictionary
Chad — steht für: Chad (Vorname), männlicher Vorname Chad von York, zweiter Bischof von York Chad (Einheit), veraltete Einheit des Neutronenflusses die englische Bezeichnung des afrikanischen Staates Tschad ein indisches Kartenspiel, siehe Spielkarte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chad — chad·ian; neb·u·chad·nez·zar; chad; chad·dar; … English syllables
Chad|i|an — «CHAD ee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Chad, a country in central Africa. –n. a native or inhabitant of Chad … Useful english dictionary
Chad — Chad, n. See {Shad}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chad — (2) African nation, former French colony (Tchad), independent since 1960, named for Lake Chad, from a local word meaning lake, large expanse of water … Etymology dictionary
chad — [chad] n. [< ?] any of the bits of paper that are separated from a PUNCH CARD in the process of making the holes in it … English World dictionary
Chad — m English: modern spelling of Old English Ceadda, name of a 7th century saint who was for a time archbishop of York. This is of uncertain derivation. The name is comparatively rare, even among Roman Catholics, by whom it is chiefly favoured … First names dictionary
Chad — a country in north central Africa, between Niger and Sudan. Population: 8,707,000 (2001) Capital: N djamena … Dictionary of contemporary English