- contextualism
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Contextualism — describes a collection of views in philosophy which emphasize the context in which an action, utterance, or expression occurs, and argues that, in some important respect, the action, utterance, or expression can only be understood relative to… … Wikipedia
contextualism/formalism — (ethics) Formalism is the doctrine that morality should be structured by a set of abstract principles of a high degree of generality: that morality should aspire to be a kind of geometry of rights, duties, and goods. Opposition to this view… … Philosophy dictionary
contextualism — contextualist, n., adj. /keuhn teks chooh euh liz euhm/, n. 1. (in motion picture criticism) the theory that all incidents in a film must be viewed in the social, political, and cultural context with which the film concerns itself and in which it … Universalium
contextualism — (aesthetics) The view that a work of art can only be understood in the context of its historical or cultural circumstances, or in the light of other works by the same artist or in a surrounding tradition. The opposed position is isolationism … Philosophy dictionary
Contextualism — a collection of views which emphasize the context in which an action, utterance or expression occurs, and argues that, in some important respect, the action, utterance or expression can only be understood within that context. Contextualist views… … Mini philosophy glossary
contextualism — noun Philosophy a doctrine which emphasizes the importance of the context of enquiry in a particular question. Derivatives contextualist noun … English new terms dictionary
contextualism — con·tex·tu·al·ism … English syllables
contextualism — con•tex•tu•al•ism [[t]kənˈtɛks tʃu əˌlɪz əm[/t]] n. any theory emphasizing the importance of context in examining or designing a work, as of literature or architecture • Etymology: 1925–30 con•tex′tu•al•ist, n. adj … From formal English to slang
contextualism — noun any doctrine emphasizing the importance of the context in solving problems or establishing the meaning of terms • Hypernyms: ↑doctrine, ↑philosophy, ↑philosophical system, ↑school of thought, ↑ism … Useful english dictionary
contextualist — contextualism … Philosophy dictionary