blue screen of death

blue screen of death
The screen displayed by Microsofts Windows operating system when it cannot (or is in danger of being unable to) recover from a system error. Abbreviation: BSOD.
Syn: bluescreen, blue screen

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  • Blue Screen of Death — as seen in Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 The Blue Screen of Death (also known as BSoD, Blue Screen, or bluescreen), known officially as a Stop Error …   Wikipedia

  • Blue Screen Of Death — bei Windows 2000 Ein Bluescreen beim Einsatz von Windows in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Ein Blue Screen (auch Bluescreen; zu deutsch: Blauer B …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blue Screen of Death — bei Windows 2000 Ein Bluescreen beim Einsatz von Windows in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Ein Blue Screen (auch Bluescreen; zu deutsch: Blauer B …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blue Screen of Death — Écran bleu de la mort Un écran bleu sur un téléphone public. L écran bleu de la mort aussi abrégé BSoD de l anglais Blue Screen of Death se réfère à l écran affiché par le système d exploitation Microsoft Windows lorsqu il ne peut plus récupérer… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Blue screen of death — La llamada blue screen of death o BSoD (más conocida en español como pantalla azul de la muerte o pantallazo azul), hace referencia a la pantalla mostrada por el sistema operativo Windows de Microsoft cuando no puede (o está en peligro de no… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • blue screen of death — (Computers) blue screen which appears on PCs running Microsoft Windows operating system when a serious system error (often a general protection failure) has occurred …   English contemporary dictionary

  • blue screen of death — noun Computers (humorous) a crash of the Microsoft Windows operating system, a blank blue screen being the result …  

  • blue screen of death —    Abbreviated BSOD. An affectionate name for the screen displayed when Microsoft Windows encounters an error so serious that the operating system cannot continue to run. Windows may also display information about the failure and may perform a… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Blue Screen of Death — …   Википедия

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