- basophilic
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Basophilic — is a technical term used by histologists. It describes the microscopic appearance of cells and tissues, as seen down the microscope, after a histological section has been stained with a basic dye. The most common such dye is… … Wikipedia
basophilic normoblast — a nucleated immature erythrocyte, having cytoplasm generally similar to that of the earlier proerythroblast but sometimes even more basophilic, and usually regular in outline. The nucleus is still relatively large, but the chromatin strands are… … Medical dictionary
basophilic stippling — the presence of basophilic granules, consisting of precipitated ribosomal RNA, in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes, seen in conditions of defective heme synthesis (such as β thalassemia) and in lead poisoning. Called also punctate basophilia … Medical dictionary
basophilic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary base + o + philic Date: circa 1894 staining readily with basic stains … New Collegiate Dictionary
basophilic — /bay seuh fil ik/, adj. Biol. having an affinity for basic stains. Also, basophilous /bay sof euh leuhs/, basophil, basophile. [1890 95; BASOPHIL + IC] * * * … Universalium
basophilic — Denoting tissue components having an affinity for basic dyes. SYN: basophil (2), basophile. * * * ba·so·phil·ic fil ik also ba·so·phil bā sə .fil, zə or ba·so·phile .fīl adj staining readily with or being a basic stain * * * adj. readily… … Medical dictionary
basophilic — adj. having an affinity for basic stains (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
basophilic — [ˌbeɪsə(ʊ) fɪlɪk] adjective Physiology (of a cell or its contents) readily stained with basic dyes … English new terms dictionary
basophilic — ba·so·phil·ic … English syllables
basophilic — adj.; see basophil … The new mediacal dictionary