- eat like a pig
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eat like a pig — If some eats like a pig, they either eat too much or they have bad table manners … The small dictionary of idiomes
eat like a pig — informal to eat a lot, or to eat noisily and unpleasantly. Christine is one of those lucky people who can eat like a pig and still stay thin … New idioms dictionary
Eat like a pig — If some eats like a pig, they either eat too much or they have bad table manners … Dictionary of English idioms
eat like a horse — eat a lot, pig out Barney eats like a horse. He has a monstrous appetite … English idioms
pig — (n.) probably from O.E. *picg, found in compounds, ultimate origin unknown. Originally young pig (the word for adults was swine). Another Old English word for pig was fearh, related to furh furrow, from PIE *perk dig, furrow (Cf. L. porc us pig,… … Etymology dictionary
pig — [pig] n. pl. pigs or pig [ME pigge, orig., young pig (replacing OE swin) < OE * picga, as in picgbread, mast, pig s food] 1. any swine, esp. the unweaned young of the thick bodied domesticated species (Sus scrofa): see HOG (sense 1) 2. meat… … English World dictionary
pig out — [v] overeat binge, blimp out*, devour, dive in*, eat like a horse*, eat to excess, feed, gluttonize, gobble, gorge, gormandize, gulp, guzzle, hoover*, overindulge, pork out*, scarf out*, shovel it in*, stuff oneself, wolf*; concept 169 … New thesaurus
pig — n. & v. n. 1 a any omnivorous hoofed bristly mammal of the family Suidae, esp. a domesticated kind, Sus scrofa. b US a young pig; a piglet. c (often in comb.) any similar animal (guinea pig). 2 the flesh of esp. a young or sucking pig as food… … Useful english dictionary
pig — pig1 /pig/, n., v., pigged, pigging. n. 1. a young swine of either sex, esp. a domestic hog, Sus scrofa, weighing less than 120 lb. (220 kg.) 2. any wild or domestic swine. 3. the flesh of swine; pork. 4. a person of piglike character, behavior,… … Universalium
eat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. consume, devour, eat up, feed, fare; erode, corrode, wear, rust. See food, deterioration. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To take as food] Syn. consume, devour, bite, chew, swallow, dine, feed, feed on, have a … English dictionary for students