- mink
- noun /mɪŋk/a) (plural mink) Any of various semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals, similar to weasels, with dark fur, native to Europe and America.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Mink — bezeichnet die Tierart Amerikanischer Nerz Mink ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Ben Mink (* 1951), kanadischer Musiker Claudette Mink (* 1975), kanadische Schauspielerin Graham Mink (* 1979), US amerikanischer Eishockeyspieler Matthias… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mink — (m[i^][ng]k), n. [Cf. 2d {Minx}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A carnivorous mammal of the genus {Mustela} (foremrly {Putorius}), allied to the weasel. The European mink is {Mustela lutreola}. The common American mink ({Mustela vison}) varies from yellowish… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mink — Sm (ein Pelztier, Farmnerz ) per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. mink (da dieser Marder hauptsächlich in Nordamerika gezüchtet wurde). Das englische Wort vermutlich aus ndn. mink, nnorw. mink, nschw. menk unklarer… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
mink — [mıŋk] n plural mink or minks [Date: 1400 1500; : Swedis] 1.) [U and C] a small animal with soft brown fur, or the very valuable fur of this animal which is used to make coats, hats etc ▪ a mink coat 2.) a coat or jacket made of mink … Dictionary of contemporary English
mink — sb., en, mink, ene, i sms. mink , fx minkavl, minkhvalp … Dansk ordbog
Mink — der; s, e <aus gleichbed. engl. mink> nordamerik. Marderart, Nerz … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
mink — [ mıŋk ] noun count a small animal that is raised for its thick dark fur a. uncount the fur from a mink, used mainly for making coats … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mink — (n.) early 15c., skin or fur of the mink, from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Swed. menk a stinking animal in Finland ). Applied in English to the animal itself from 1620s … Etymology dictionary
mink — mink; mink·ery; … English syllables
mink — [miŋk] n. pl. minks or mink [LME minke < Scand, as in Swed menk] 1. any of several slim, erminelike musteline carnivores with partly webbed feet; esp., a common dark brown North American species (Mustela vison) living in water part of the time … English World dictionary
Mink — Mink, Säugethier, so v.w. Nörz … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon