- designated driver
An individual who does not drink alcohol at a social engagement for the purpose of driving his or her companions home.
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designated driver — designated drivers N COUNT: usu sing The designated driver in a group of people travelling together is the one who has agreed to drive, or who is insured to drive … English dictionary
designated driver — n. the person in a group who has been designated as the one who will abstain from alcoholic beverages so as to be able to safely drive the others in a motor vehicle … English World dictionary
designated driver — n someone who agrees not to drink alcohol when a group of friends go out together to a party, bar etc so that he or she can drive the others safely to and from home … Dictionary of contemporary English
designated driver — noun count someone at a social event who agrees to drink no alcohol and drive their friends home … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Designated driver — The terms designated driver and designated driving refer to selecting a person to remain sober, as the driver of a vehicle, while others are allowed to drink to excess (with alcoholic beverages). A designated driver is a person who abstains from… … Wikipedia
designated driver — noun the member of a party who is designated to refrain from alcohol and so is sober when it is time to drive home • Hypernyms: ↑driver * * * noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] : a person who agrees not to drink alcohol on a particular occasion so that he or … Useful english dictionary
designated driver — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms designated driver : singular designated driver plural designated drivers someone at a social event who agrees to drink no alcohol and drive their friends home … English dictionary
designated driver — noun Date: 1982 a person chosen to abstain from intoxicants (as alcohol) so as to transport others safely who are not abstaining … New Collegiate Dictionary
designated driver — a person who abstains from alcoholic beverages at a gathering in order to be fit to drive companions home safely. * * * … Universalium
designated driver — noun N. Amer. a person who abstains from alcohol at a social gathering so as to be fit to drive others home … English new terms dictionary