- neurochemistry
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Neurochemistry — is the specific study of neurochemicals, which include neurotransmitters and other molecules such as neuro active drugs that influence neuron function. This principle closely examines the manner in which these neurochemicals influence the network … Wikipedia
neurochemistry — [noor΄ō kem′is trē, nyoor΄ō kem′is trē] n. the study of the chemistry of the nervous system neurochemical adj., n. neurochemist n … English World dictionary
neurochemistry — noun Date: 1924 1. the study of the chemical makeup and activities of nervous tissue 2. chemical processes and phenomena related to the nervous system • neurochemical adjective or noun • neurochemist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
neurochemistry — neurochemist, n. /noor oh kem euh stree, nyoor /, n. the branch of science that is concerned with the chemistry of the nervous system. [1920 25; NEURO + CHEMISTRY] * * * … Universalium
neurochemistry — The science concerned with the chemical aspects of nervous system structure and function. * * * neu·ro·chem·is·try kem ə strē n, pl tries 1) the study of the chemical makeup and activities of nervous tissue … Medical dictionary
neurochemistry — noun the branch of biochemistry concerned with the processes occurring in nerve tissue and the nervous system. Derivatives neurochemist noun neurochemical adjective … English new terms dictionary
neurochemistry — neu·ro·chemistry … English syllables
neurochemistry — neu•ro•chem•is•try [[t]ˌnʊər oʊˈkɛm ə stri, ˌnyʊər [/t]] n. biochem. the study of the chemistry of the nervous system • Etymology: 1920–25 neu′ro•chem ist, n … From formal English to slang
neurochemistry — … Useful english dictionary
Clinical Neurochemistry — Progression of Huntington s Diesase. A microscope image of Medium spiny neurons (yellow) with nuclear inclusions (orange), which occur as part of the disease process. Clinical Neurochemistry is the field of neurological biochemistry which relates … Wikipedia