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Lippershey — may refer to:* Hans Lippershey (1570 1619), Dutch lensmaker * Lippershey (crater), a relatively tiny lunar impact crater … Wikipedia
Lippershey, Hans — Lippershey , Hans … Scientists
Lippershey (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=25.9 N or S=S longitude=10.3 E or W=W diameter=7 km depth=1.4 km colong=11 eponym=Hans LippersheyLippershey is a relatively tiny lunar impact crater located in the southeast section of the Mare Nubium. It is a circular … Wikipedia
Lippershey , Hans — (c. 1570–1619) Dutch spectacle maker Lippershey was a maker of eyeglasses in Wesel, Germany. According to tradition, an apprentice playing with a couple of lenses suddenly found that a distant weathercock looked much bigger and nearer. Lippershey … Scientists
Lippershey, Hans — ▪ Dutch inventor also called Jan Lippersheim, or Hans Lippersheim baptized c. 1570, Wesel, Ger. died c. 1619, Middelburg, Neth. spectacle maker from the United Netherlands, traditionally credited with inventing the telescope (1608).… … Universalium
Hans Lippershey — Retrato de Hans Lippershey (1655). Hans Lippershey (1570, Wesel, Alemania – septiembre de 1619), también conocido como Johann Lippershey, fue un científico, inventor y fabricante de lentes, astrónomo. Es reconocido como el creador de los diseños… … Wikipedia Español
Hans Lippershey — (1570 ndash;September 1619), also known as Johann Lippershey or Lipperhey, was a German Dutch lensmaker.He was born in Wesel, in western Germany. He settled in Middelburg in the Netherlands in 1594, married the same year, and became a citizen in… … Wikipedia
Hans Lippershey — est un opticien hollandais né en 1570 à Wesel et décédé en 1619. Il présenta fin septembre 1608 l une des premières réalisations concrètes d une lunette d approche. Cette lunette devait très rapidement conduire à la lunette astronomique, puis au … Wikipédia en Français
ЛИППЕРСГЕЙ (Lippershey) Ханс — (1587 1619) нидерландский оптик. Создал (1608) один из первых телескопов … Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Hans Lippershey — Porträt von Hans Lipperhey aus De vero telescopii inventore (1655) Johannes Lipperhey (auch: Jan Lipperhey oder Hans Lippershey) (* um 1570 in Wesel; † September 1619 in Middelburg) war ein deutsch niederländischer Brillenmacher und der Erfinder… … Deutsch Wikipedia