run scared
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run scared — {v. phr.} To expect defeat, as in a political campaign. * /The one vote defeat caused him to run scared in every race thereafter./ … Dictionary of American idioms
run scared — {v. phr.} To expect defeat, as in a political campaign. * /The one vote defeat caused him to run scared in every race thereafter./ … Dictionary of American idioms
run scared — phrasal : to bend every effort (as in a political campaign) through or as if through fear of defeat * * * run scared (slang) To be frightened • • • Main Entry: ↑run run scared To panic • • • Main Entry: ↑scare … Useful english dictionary
run scared — in. to act panicked. □ All the politicians are running scared. □ Don’t panic. There is no reason to run scared … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
run\ scared — v. phr. To expect defeat, as in a political campaign. The one vote defeat caused him to run scared in every race thereafter … Словарь американских идиом
run scared — try everything to avoid defeat as in a political campaign The senator has been running scared in his attempt to win re election … Idioms and examples
run scared — mainly American to be worried that you are going to be defeated. There are rumours that the Democrats are running scared after recent opinion polls showed their rivals to be way out in front. (usually in continuous tenses) … New idioms dictionary
run scared — idi cvb to be apprehensive about one s personal or professional survival … From formal English to slang
run — [run] vi. ran or Dial. run, run, running [altered (with vowel prob. infl. by pp.) < ME rinnen, rennen < ON & OE: ON rinna, to flow, run, renna, to cause to run (< Gmc * rannjan); OE rinnan, iornan: both < Gmc * renwo < IE base * er … English World dictionary
run — runnable, adj. runnability, n. /run/, v., ran, run, running, n., adj. v.i. 1. to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground. 2. to move with… … Universalium