- give someone the creeps
To give someone a feeling of uneasiness or mild fright.
Walking through the graveyard late at night gave me the creeps.
Wikipedia foundation.
Walking through the graveyard late at night gave me the creeps.
Wikipedia foundation.
give someone the creeps — give (someone) the creeps/willies informal to make you feel frightened and anxious, especially when there is no real reason for this. This old house gives me the creeps. I ve never liked spiders they give me the willies … New idioms dictionary
give someone the creeps — ► give someone the creeps informal make someone feel revulsion or fear. Main Entry: ↑creep … English terms dictionary
give someone the creeps — (informal) REPEL, repulse, revolt, disgust, sicken, nauseate, make someone s flesh creep, make someone s skin crawl; scare, frighten, terrify, horrify; N. Amer. informal gross out. → creeps * * * give someone the creeps … Useful english dictionary
give someone the creeps — informal Pam says he s a nice guy, but he still gives me the creeps Syn: repel, repulse, revolt, disgust, sicken, nauseate, make someone s flesh creep, make someone s skin crawl; scare, frighten, terrify, horrify; informal gross out, freak out,… … Thesaurus of popular words
give someone the creeps — informal induce a feeling of revulsion or fear in someone. → creep … English new terms dictionary
give someone the creeps — to make someone feel nervous or frightened … English dictionary
give someone the willies — give (someone) the creeps/willies informal to make you feel frightened and anxious, especially when there is no real reason for this. This old house gives me the creeps. I ve never liked spiders they give me the willies … New idioms dictionary
give (you) the creeps — 1. to make you feel frightened or nervous. This old house gives me the creeps. 2. to cause someone to feel dislike or disgust. My neighbor gives me the creeps … New idioms dictionary
give the creeps — give (someone) the creeps/willies informal to make you feel frightened and anxious, especially when there is no real reason for this. This old house gives me the creeps. I ve never liked spiders they give me the willies … New idioms dictionary
creeps — give someone the creeps … Thesaurus of popular words