- under one's thumb
She has the entire crew under her thumb. They would do anything for her.
Wikipedia foundation.
She has the entire crew under her thumb. They would do anything for her.
Wikipedia foundation.
Under one's thumb — Thumb Thumb, n. [OE. thombe, thoumbe, [thorn]ume, AS. [thorn][=u]ma; akin to OFries. th[=u]ma, D. duim, G. daumen, OHG. d[=u]mo, Icel. [thorn]umall, Dan. tommelfinger, Sw. tumme, and perhaps to L. tumere to swell. [root]56. Cf. {Thimble}, {Tumid} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
under one's thumb — • under one s thumb • under the thumb obedient to someone, controlled by someone He is only an assistant salesman but he has his boss under his thumb. Digest 22/2002 under someone s control Don t ask Margie to make a change in our work schedule.… … Idioms and examples
under one's thumb — phrasal see under the thumb of * * * under one s thumb Under one s domination • • • Main Entry: ↑thumb … Useful english dictionary
under\ one's\ thumb — • under (some)one s thumb • under the thumb adj or adv. phr. Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power. The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother. Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb. The mayor is … Словарь американских идиом
under one's thumb — or[under the thumb] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power. * /The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother./ * /Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb./ * /The mayor is so… … Dictionary of American idioms
under one's thumb — or[under the thumb] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power. * /The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother./ * /Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb./ * /The mayor is so… … Dictionary of American idioms
under one's thumb — or under the thumb phrasal under control ; in a state of subservience < her father did not have her that much under his thumb Hamilton Basso > … New Collegiate Dictionary
under one's thumb — adj. under the control of; manipulated by. Under My Thumb (song title) … English slang
under someone's thumb — • under one s thumb • under the thumb obedient to someone, controlled by someone He is only an assistant salesman but he has his boss under his thumb. Digest 22/2002 under someone s control Don t ask Margie to make a change in our work schedule.… … Idioms and examples
under\ someone's\ thumb — • under (some)one s thumb • under the thumb adj or adv. phr. Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power. The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother. Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb. The mayor is … Словарь американских идиом