markup language
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Markup Language — [engl.], Auszeichnungssprache … Universal-Lexikon
Markup language — Example of RecipeBook, a simple markup language based on XML for creating recipes. The markup can be converted to HTML, PDF and Rich Text Format using a programming language or XSL. A markup language is a modern system for annotating a text in a… … Wikipedia
Markup Language — Eine Auszeichnungssprache (engl. Markup Language, Abk. ML) dient zur Beschreibung der Daten und teilweise des Verfahrens, das zur Bearbeitung dieser Daten nötig ist. Ursprünglich dienten die Auszeichnungen im Text als Anweisungen für die Setzer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
markup language — noun a set of symbols and rules for their use when doing a markup of a document • Hypernyms: ↑terminology, ↑nomenclature, ↑language • Hyponyms: ↑standard generalized markup language, ↑SGML, ↑hypertext markup language, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
markup language — Standard text encoding system consisting of a set of symbols inserted in a text document to control its structure, formatting, or the relationship among its parts. The most widely used markup languages are SGML, HTML, and XML. The markup symbols… … Universalium
markup language — ženklinimo kalba statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kalba, vartojama ↑dokumentams užrašyti. Jos įtarpai į tekstą (↑gairės) apibrėžia teksto vaizdavimo (pvz., ekrane) būdą, dokumento turinio indeksavimą ir sąsają su kitais dokumentais.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
markup language — /ˈmakʌp læŋgwɪdʒ/ (say mahkup langgwij) noun Computers a computer language in which various elements of a document, database, etc., are marked with tags, providing a flexible means of arranging and retrieving data. See HTML, SGML, XML …
markup language — noun Date: 1980 a system (as HTML or SGML) for marking or tagging a document that indicates its logical structure (as paragraphs) and gives instructions for its layout on the page especially for electronic transmission and display … New Collegiate Dictionary
Markup Language — Markierungssprache … Acronyms
Markup Language — Markierungssprache … Acronyms von A bis Z