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Pyrophoricity — A pyrophoric substance will ignite spontaneously; that is, its autoignition temperature is below room temperature. Examples are iron sulfide and many reactive metals including uranium, when powdered or sliced thinly. Pyrophoric materials are… … Wikipedia
Ferrocerium — is a man made metallic material that has the ability to give off a large number of hot sparks when scraped against a rough surface (pyrophoricity), such as ridged steel. Because of this property it is used in many applications, such as clockwork… … Wikipedia
Magnesium — Not to be confused with Manganese. sodium ← magnesium → aluminium Be ↑ Mg ↓ Ca … Wikipedia
Phosphorus — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Phosphorus (disambiguation). silicon ← phosphorus → sulfur … Wikipedia
Depleted uranium — The DU penetrator of a 30 mm round[1] Depleted uranium (DU; also referred to in the past as Q metal, depletalloy, or D 38) is uranium with a lower content of the fissile isotope U 235 than natural uranium (natural uranium is about 99.27% uranium… … Wikipedia
Silane — This article is about the compound with chemical formula SiH4. For other silicon hydrogen compounds, see Silanes. Silane … Wikipedia
NaK — For other meanings, see Nak (disambiguation). NaK Identifiers CAS number … Wikipedia
List of materials properties — A material s property is an intensive, often quantitative property of a material, usually with a unit that may be used as a metric of value to compare the benefits of one material versus another to aid in materials selection. A material property… … Wikipedia
Fire sand bucket — A fire sand bucket or fire bucket is a bucket filled with sand which is used to put out fires. They are often kept next to ovens, barbecues, and other areas where fires can occur. They are also commanly found in hyperbaric chambers. Because oil… … Wikipedia
Plutonium — (pronEng|pluːˈtoʊniəm, symbol Pu, atomic number 94) is a rare radioactive, metallic chemical element. The most significant isotope of plutonium is 239Pu, with a half life of 24,100 years; this isotope is fissile and is used in most modern nuclear … Wikipedia