methyl bromide
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methyl bromide — n. a colorless, poisonous gas, CH3Br, with an odor resembling chloroform, used as a refrigerant, fumigant, and in organic synthesis … English World dictionary
methyl bromide — Chem. a colorless, poisonous gas, CH3Br, used chiefly as a solvent, refrigerant, and fumigant and in organic synthesis. Also called bromomethane. [1900 05] * * * ▪ chemical compound also called bromomethane a colourless, nonflammable,… … Universalium
methyl bromide — noun a poisonous gas or liquid (CH3Br) used to fumigate rodents, worms, etc. • Hypernyms: ↑bromide * * * noun : a poisonous gaseous compound CH3Br used chiefly as a fumigant against rodents, worms, and insects; bromo methane * * * Chem. a… … Useful english dictionary
methyl bromide — Used in ionization chambers; for degreasing wool; extracting oils from nuts, seeds, flowers; used as an insect fumigant for mills, warehouses, vaults, ships, freight cars; also as a soil fumigant. * * * methyl bromide n a poisonous gaseous… … Medical dictionary
methyl bromide — noun Date: 1871 a poisonous gaseous compound CH3Br used chiefly as a fumigant against rodents, worms, and insects … New Collegiate Dictionary
methyl bromide — meth′yl bro′mide n. chem. a colorless, poisonous gas, CH3Br, used as a solvent, refrigerant, and fumigant, and in organic synthesis • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
methyl bromide — /mɛθəl ˈbroʊmaɪd/ (say methuhl brohmuyd) noun the compound bromomethane, CH3Br, used as a fumigant; an ozone depleting substance listed in the Montreal Protocol …
Methyl iodide — Methyl iodide … Wikipedia
bromide — [brō′mīd΄] n. [ BROM(O) + IDE] 1. a compound in which bromine is combined with a certain element, radical, etc., as silver bromide or methyl bromide 2. potassium bromide, KBr, used in medicine as a sedative ☆ 3. [from association with dullness of … English World dictionary
bromide — /broh muyd/ or, for 1, /broh mid/, n. 1. Chem. a. a salt of hydrobromic acid consisting of two elements, one of which is bromine, as sodium bromide, NaBr. b. a compound containing bromine, as methyl bromide. 2. Pharm. potassium bromide, known to… … Universalium