- linear pair
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Linear discriminant analysis — (LDA) and the related Fisher s linear discriminant are methods used in statistics, pattern recognition and machine learning to find a linear combination of features which characterize or separate two or more classes of objects or events. The… … Wikipedia
Linear interpolation — is a method of curve fitting using linear polynomials. It is heavily employed in mathematics (particularly numerical analysis), and numerous applications including computer graphics. It is a simple form of interpolation. Lerp is a quasi acronym… … Wikipedia
Linear differential equation — In mathematics, a linear differential equation is a differential equation of the form: Ly = f ,where the differential operator L is a linear operator, y is the unknown function, and the right hand side fnof; is a given function (called the source … Wikipedia
Linear extension — In order theory, a branch of mathematics, a linear extension of a partial order is a linear order (or total order) that is compatible with the partial order. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Order extension principle 3 Related results … Wikipedia
Linear map — In mathematics, a linear map, linear mapping, linear transformation, or linear operator (in some contexts also called linear function) is a function between two vector spaces that preserves the operations of vector addition and scalar… … Wikipedia
Linear logic — In mathematical logic, linear logic is a type of substructural logic that denies the structural rules of weakening and contraction . The interpretation is of hypotheses as resources : every hypothesis must be consumed exactly once in a proof.… … Wikipedia
Linear Guild — Superherobox caption=The original Linear Guild, drawn by Rich Burlew. L R: Nale, Thog, Zz dtri, Yikyik, Sabine (in human form) and Hilgya. comic color=background:#8080ff character name=Linear Guild real name= publisher=Giant In The Playground… … Wikipedia
Linear system of divisors — A linear system of divisors algebraicizes the classic geometric notion of a family of curves, as in the Apollonian circles. In algebraic geometry, a linear system of divisors is an algebraic generalization of the geometric notion of a family of… … Wikipedia
Linear programming relaxation — In mathematics, the linear programming relaxation of a 0 1 integer program is the problem that arises by replacing the constraint that each variable must be 0 or 1 by a weaker constraint, that each variable belong to the interval [0,1] .That is,… … Wikipedia
Linear elasticity — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia