
adjective /ˈbætl̩mɛntəd/
Furnished with battlements, as the ramparts of a city or castle.

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  • Battlemented — Bat tle*ment*ed ( m[e^]nt*[e^]d), a. Having battlements. [1913 Webster] A battlemented portal. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • battlemented — battlement ► NOUN ▪ a parapet with gaps at intervals for firing from, forming part of a fortification. DERIVATIVES battlemented adjective. ORIGIN from Old French bataillier fortify with movable defence turrets …   English terms dictionary

  • battlemented — adjective see battlement …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • battlemented — See battlement. * * * …   Universalium

  • battlemented — adj. topped with battlements, having openings through which weapons can be fired (of walls) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • battlemented — bat·tle·ment·ed …   English syllables

  • battlemented — adjective 1. protected with battlements or parapets with indentations or embrasures for shooting through • Similar to: ↑protected 2. having or resembling repeated square indentations like those in a battlement a crenelated molding • Syn:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • battlement — battlemented /bat l men tid/, adj. /bat l meuhnt/, n. Often, battlements. a parapet or cresting, originally defensive but later usually decorative, consisting of a regular alternation of merlons and crenels; crenelation. Also called embattlement …   Universalium

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