- Acheulean
- 1. adjectiveOf or pertaining to a lower Paleolithic period characterized by the presence of flaked bifacial hand axes2. noun
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Acheulean — (also spelled Acheulian, pron en|əˈʃuːliən) is the name given to an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture associated with prehistoric hominins during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia and Europe. Acheulean … Wikipedia
acheulean — ACHEULEÁN s.n. Ultimul subetaj al paleoliticului inferior. [pron. şö le an. / < fr. acheuléen, cf. Saint Acheul – localitate în Franţa]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN ACHEULEÁN, Ă, acheuleéni, e, adj., s.n. (Din) ultimul… … Dicționar Român
Acheulean — or Acheulian [ə sho͞o′lē ən] adj. [Fr acheuléen, after St. Acheul, France, where remains were found] designating or of a Lower Paleolithic culture characterized by skillfully made bifacial flint hand axes … English World dictionary
Acheulean industry — Stone tool industry of the Lower Paleolithic Period characterized by bifacial stone tools with round cutting edges and typified especially by an almond shaped (amygdaloid) flint hand ax measuring 8–10 in. (20–25 cm) in length and flaked over its… … Universalium
Acheulean — or Acheulian adjective Etymology: French acheuléen, from Saint Acheul, near Amiens, France Date: circa 1909 of or relating to a Lower Paleolithic culture originating in Africa and typified by bifacial tools with round cutting edges … New Collegiate Dictionary
Acheulean — /euh shooh lee euhn/, adj. of, pertaining to, or typical of a Lower Paleolithic culture of the middle Pleistocene Epoch, characterized by large hand axes and cleavers made by the soft hammer technique. Also, Acheulian. [1890 95; < F acheuléen,… … Universalium
acheulean — acheu·le·an … English syllables
Acheulean — A•cheu•le•an or A•cheu•li•an [[t]əˈʃu li ən[/t]] adj. ara of or designating a Lower Paleolithic toolmaking tradition characterized by large hand axes made using hammers of wood, bone, or antler rather than stone • Etymology: 1890–95; < F… … From formal English to slang
acheulean — … Useful english dictionary
Hand axe — Acheulean hand axes from Kent. The types shown are (clockwise from top) cordate, ficron and ovate … Wikipedia