bag of wind
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bag of wind — /wind/ windbag. * * * … Universalium
bag of wind — windbag 2 * * * /wind/ windbag … Useful english dictionary
bag of wind — Go to windbag … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
bag — /bæg / (say bag) noun 1. a receptacle of leather, cloth, plastic, paper, etc. 2. a suitcase or other portable receptacle for carrying articles. 3. a handbag. 4. the contents of a bag. 5. a. a sandbag. b. the bags, World War I Colloquial the… …
wind — cord·wind·er; en·wind; in·ter·wind; un·wind; wind·age; wind; wind·bag·gery; wind·berry; wind·galled; wind·i·ly; wind·i·ness; wind·jam; wind·jam·mer; wind·lace; wind·lass·er; wind·less; wind·row·er; wind·ster; wind·ward·ly; wind·ward·most;… … English syllables
wind instrument — /wind/ a musical instrument sounded by the breath or other air current, as the trumpet, trombone, clarinet, or flute. [1575 85] * * * ▪ music Introduction any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrating medium for the… … Universalium
wind|bag — «WIHND BAG», noun. 1. Slang. a person who talks a great deal but does not say much. 2. the chest or body considered as a receptacle of breath (a humorous use). 3. a bag full of wind. 4. Obsolete. the bellows of an organ … Useful english dictionary
bag — bag; bag·as·so·sis; bag·a·telle; bag·di; bag·ful; bag·gage·man; bag·ga·la; bag·gat·a·way; bag·ger; bag·gi·ly; bag·gi·ness; bag·git; bag·gy; bag·gy·wrin·kle; bag·man; bag·net; bag·o·net; bag·pip·er; bag·ti·kan; bag·wyn; car·pet·bag·ger;… … English syllables
bag´gi|ness — bag|gy «BAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. hanging loosely; baglike: »The clown had baggy trousers. 2. swelling; bulging: »The baggy sails were full before the wind … Useful english dictionary
bag´gi|ly — bag|gy «BAG ee», adjective, gi|er, gi|est. 1. hanging loosely; baglike: »The clown had baggy trousers. 2. swelling; bulging: »The baggy sails were full before the wind … Useful english dictionary