- indirection
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Indirection — In di*rec tion, n. [Cf. F. indirection.] Oblique course or means; dishonest practices; indirectness. By indirections find directions out. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
indirection — I (deceitfulness) noun concealment of truth, cozenage, craft, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deception, deviousness, dishonesty, disingenuity, disingenuousness, dissimulation, duplicity, falsehood, falseness, fraud, fraudulency, guile, hypocrisy,… … Law dictionary
indirection — (n.) c.1600, from INDIRECT (Cf. indirect) + ION (Cf. ion) … Etymology dictionary
indirection — [in΄də rek′shən; ] occas. [, in΄dīrek′shən] n. [< INDIRECT, by analogy with DIRECTION] 1. roundabout act, procedure, or means 2. deceit; dishonesty 3. lack of direction or purpose … English World dictionary
Indirection — In computer programming, indirection is the ability to reference something using a name, reference, or container instead of the value itself. The most common form of indirection is the act of manipulating a value through its memory address. For… … Wikipedia
indirection — /in deuh rek sheuhn, duy /, n. 1. indirect action or procedure. 2. a roundabout course or method. 3. a lack of direction or goal; aimlessness: His efforts were marked by indirection and indecisiveness. 4. deceitful or dishonest dealing. [1585 95; … Universalium
indirection — indirect ► ADJECTIVE 1) not direct. 2) (of costs) deriving from overhead charges or subsidiary work. 3) (of taxation) levied on goods and services rather than income or profits. DERIVATIVES indirection noun indirectly adverb indirectness noun … English terms dictionary
indirection — noun 1. indirect procedure or action (Freq. 1) he tried to find out by indirection • Hypernyms: ↑procedure, ↑process 2. deceitful action that is not straightforward he could see through the indirections of diplomats • Hypernyms … Useful english dictionary
indirection — noun Date: 1590 1. a. indirect action or procedure b. lack of direction ; aimlessness 2. a. lack of straightforwardness and openness ; deceitfulness b. something (as an act or statement) marked by lack of straightforwardness < hated diplomatic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
indirection — (in di rè ksion) s. f. Défaut de direction. ÉTYMOLOGIE In.... 1, et direction … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré