- indistinguishable
a) Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinctb) Not capable of being perceived or known.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Indistinguishable — In dis*tin guish*a*ble ([i^]n d[i^]s*t[i^][ng] gw[i^]sh*[.a]*b l), a. Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
indistinguishable — index identical, inarticulate, indefinite, indiscernible, indistinct, promiscuous, similar, unclear … Law dictionary
indistinguishable — (adj.) c.1600, from IN (Cf. in ) (1) not, opposite of + DISTINGUISHABLE (Cf. distinguishable). Related: Indistinguishably … Etymology dictionary
indistinguishable — is spelt able, not ible … Modern English usage
indistinguishable — [adj] alike duplicate, equivalent, identic, identical, like, same, tantamount, twin; concept 566 Ant. different, distinguishable, unalike, unlike … New thesaurus
indistinguishable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not able to be identified as different or distinct. DERIVATIVES indistinguishably adverb … English terms dictionary
indistinguishable — [in΄di stiŋ′gwish ə bəl] adj. 1. that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate 2. that cannot be discerned or recognized; imperceptible indistinguishably adv … English World dictionary
indistinguishable — adjective Date: 1606 not distinguishable: as a. indeterminate in shape or structure < indistinguishable forms in the mist > b. not clearly recognizable or understandable < indistinguishable differences > c. lacking identifying or individualizing… … New Collegiate Dictionary
indistinguishable — in|dis|tin|guish|a|ble [ˌındıˈstıŋgwıʃəbəl] adj things that are indistinguishable are so similar that you cannot see any difference between them indistinguishable from ▪ an artificial material that is almost indistinguishable from real silk … Dictionary of contemporary English
indistinguishable — in|dis|tin|guish|a|ble [ ,ındı stıŋgwıʃəbl ] adjective if two things are indistinguishable, you cannot see any difference between them: indistinguishable from: Computer games have become practically indistinguishable from reality … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
indistinguishable — adjective 1) the two girls were indistinguishable Syn: identical, difficult to tell apart, like (two) peas in a pod, like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, very similar, two of a kind Ant: dissimilar 2) the image had become indistinguishable the voices… … Thesaurus of popular words