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obedientiary — obedientiarius; obedientiary /abiydiyensliiyeriyas; abiydiyenshariy/ A monastic officer … Black's law dictionary
Obedientiary — One who owes obedience. The word referred to that member of a monastery responsible for a particular aspect of the community s functioning, e.g. *cellarer, *fraterer, *precentor, *sacrist. He was also required to render appropriate annual… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
obedientiary — obe·di·en·tia·ry … English syllables
obedientiary — ch(ə)rē, ri noun ( es) Etymology: Medieval Latin obedientiarius, from obedientia obedience + arius ary more at obedience 1. obsolete : one owing or yielding obedience : subject … Useful english dictionary
Circator — *Obedientiary whose duty it was to make a tour or circuit of the monastery and its buildings each night with a bright lamp to ensure that all was well. [< Lat. circo = to go about] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Priory — For other uses, see Priory (disambiguation). The Priory de Graville, France A priory is a house of men or women under religious vows that is headed by a prior or prioress. Priories may be houses of mendicant friars or religious sisters (as the… … Wikipedia
Priory — • A monastery whose superior is a prior. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Priory Priory † … Catholic encyclopedia
Prior — For other uses, see Prior (disambiguation). Prior is an ecclesiastical title, derived from the Latin adjective for earlier, first , with several notable uses. Contents 1 Monastic superiors 1.1 Compound and derived titles 2 Other orders … Wikipedia
Prior — • A monastic superior. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Prior Prior † Catholic Encyc … Catholic encyclopedia
Bede Griffiths — For other people named Swami Dayananda, see Swami Dayananda (disambiguation). Dom Bede Griffiths OSB Cam Born Alan Richard Griffiths December 17, 1906(1906 12 17) Walton on Thames, Surrey, England Died May 13, 1993(19 … Wikipedia