- heterothallic
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Heterothallic — species have sexes that reside in different individuals … Wikipedia
heterothallic — [het΄ər ō΄thal′ik, het΄ər əthal′ik] adj. [ HETERO + THALL(US) + IC] designating or possessing two forms of mycelia that interact as male and female in reproduction heterothallism n … English World dictionary
heterothallic — adjective Etymology: heter + thallus + ic Date: 1904 1. having two or more morphologically similar haploid phases or types of which individuals from the same type are mutually sterile but individuals from different types are cross fertile … New Collegiate Dictionary
heterothallic — Situation in some fungi and algae in which there are two mating types and the individual thallus is self sterile even if hermaphrodite … Dictionary of molecular biology
heterothallic — heterothallism, n. /het euhr euh thal ik/, adj. Mycol. 1. having mycelia of two unlike types, both of which must participate in the sexual process. Cf. homothallic (def. 1). 2. dioecious. [1900 05; HETERO + THALLIC] * * * … Universalium
heterothallic — In fungi, denoting a kind of sexual reproduction in which a sexual spore is produced only by fusion with a nucleus of another mating type. Cf.:homothallic. [hetero + G. thallos, a young shoot] * * * het·ero·thal·lic thal ik adj … Medical dictionary
heterothallic — het·er·o·thal·lic … English syllables
heterothallic — het•er•o•thal•lic [[t]ˌhɛt ər əˈθæl ɪk[/t]] adj. fng having mycelia of two unlike types, both of which must participate in the sexual process • Etymology: 1900–05; hetero +thall(us)+ ic het er•o•thal′lism, n … From formal English to slang
heterothallic — /hɛtəroʊˈθælɪk/ (say hetuhroh thalik) adjective (of plants) having mycelia of two unlike types both of which must participate in the sexual process (opposed to homothallic). {hetero + Greek thallos shoot, sprout + ic} –heterothallism, noun …
heterothallic — … Useful english dictionary