- fescennine
- adjective /ˈfɛsənʌɪn/
As the poet decorously shows his desire to consummate the marriage, he retains the fescennine element without being crude.
Wikipedia foundation.
As the poet decorously shows his desire to consummate the marriage, he retains the fescennine element without being crude.
Wikipedia foundation.
Fescennine — vulgar, obscene, scurrilous, from L. Fescenninus (versus), a rude form of dramatic or satiric verse, from Fescennia, city in Etruria, noted for such productions. The Fescennine Songs were the origin of the Satire, the only important species of… … Etymology dictionary
Fescennine — Fes cen*nine, a. [L. Fescenninus, fr. Fescennia, a city of Etruria.] Pertaining to, or resembling, the Fescennines. n. A style of low, scurrilous, obscene poetry originating in fescennia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fescennine — index salacious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Fescennine — [fes′ə nīn΄, fes′ənin] adj. [L Fescenninus, after Fescennia, city in Etruria noted for scurrilous verse] [often f ] vulgar; obscene; scurrilous … English World dictionary
fescennine — ˈfesənˌīn, ˌēn adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin fescenninus, probably from Fescenninus of Fescennium, from Fescennium, ancient town in Etruria, Italy, famous for such songs and verses + Latin inus ine 1. : sung or read at a… … Useful english dictionary
Fescennine — adjective a) Of or pertaining to the ancient Etruscan town of Fescennia At this hour the seat was as in a theatre, but the words of the actors were of a nature somewhat too Fescennine for the public. b) obscene or scurrilous And when Freudian… … Wiktionary
fescennine — ● fescennin, fescennine adjectif (latin fescenninus, de Fescennia, nom propre) Vers fescennins, chants fescennins, vers, poèmes satiriques latins. (Initialement déclamés lors des moissons ou des vendanges, ils avaient une tradition d obscénité… … Encyclopédie Universelle
fescennine — /fes euh nuyn , nin/, adj. scurrilous; licentious; obscene: fescennine mockery. [1595 1605; < L Fescenninus of, belonging to Fescennia, a town in Etruria noted for jesting and scurrilous verse; see INE1] * * * … Universalium
fescennine — fes•cen•nine [[t]ˈfɛs əˌnaɪn, nɪn[/t]] adj. scurrilous; licentious; obscene: fescennine humor[/ex] • Etymology: 1595–1605; < L Fescennīnus of, belonging to Fescennia, a town in Etruria noted for jesting and scurrilous verse … From formal English to slang
Fescennine — /ˈfɛsənin/ (say fesuhneen), / naɪn/ (say nuyn) adjective scurrilous; licentious; obscene: Fescennine verse. {Latin Fescennīnus relating to Fescennia in Etruria, an ancient country in western Italy} …