fan fiction
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Fan fiction — (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF or fic) is a broadly defined term for fiction about characters or settings written by admirers of the original work, rather than by the original creators.… … Wikipedia
Fan-Fiction — Fan Fiction/Fanfiction oder kurz Fanfic oder auch nur FF, deutsch manchmal auch Fanfiktion oder Fangeschichte(n), ist die Bezeichnung für Werke (Texte, Bilder, Filme, Animationen) die von Fans eines literarischen oder trivialliterarischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fan fiction — noun A style of fiction in which authors take the characters and setting of a favourite book, TV programme, etc and invent new plots and situations for them (short form fanˈfic) • • • Main Entry: ↑fan * * * ˈfan fiction 8 [fan fiction] noun … Useful english dictionary
fan fiction — also fan fic [[t]fɪk[/t]] n. lit. unauthorized fiction elaborating on plots, popular characters, and concepts from television, film, books, etc., written by fans of the source works and published in fanzines or posted on the Internet. • Etymology … From formal English to slang
Fan fiction — Fanfiction Une fanfic ou fan fiction désigne en anglais une fiction écrite par un fan, un adepte, d une série télévisée, d un film, d un dessin animé (anime), d un jeu vidéo, d un livre ou d une bande dessinée à partir de l univers et/ou des… … Wikipédia en Français
fan fiction — n. Fictional, often pornographic, stories created by fans of movies (particularly Star Trek and Star Wars) and TV shows (such as the X Files). Example Citation: If you ever wondered what Chewbacca and Han Solo really did together, all those… … New words
Fan Fiction-TV Viewers Have It Their Way — ▪ 2002 Television shows had long captivated audiences and provided a temporary escape from reality for viewers who could vicariously live another life. Some devoted viewers would often discuss their favourite dramas and begin to play out… … Universalium
fan fiction — (also informal fanfic) noun fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, film, etc … English new terms dictionary
fan fiction — /fæn ˈfɪkʃən/ (say fan fikshuhn) noun → fanfic …
Star Trek Fan Fiction — Fan Fiction und Parodien zum Star Trek Franchise sind entweder unkommerzielle Veröffentlichungen durch Amateure, oder profitorientierte Persiflagen, beziehungsweise Hommagen. Die durch die Star Trek Fangemeinde veröffentlichte Literatur ist von… … Deutsch Wikipedia