- archaic
A general term for the prehistoric period intermediate between the earliest period (‘[ Paleo-Indian]’, ‘Paleo-American’, ‘American‐paleolithic’, &c.) of human presence in the Western Hemisphere, and the most recent prehistoric period (‘Woodland’, etc.).<! needs links to Wikipedia entries
[...] Archaic Stage [...] the stage of migratory hunting and gathering cultures continuing into environmental conditions approximately those of the present.
A person familiar with the dialect of certain portions of Massachusetts will not fail to recognize, in ordinary discourse, many words now noted in English vocabularies as archaic, the greater part of which were in common use about the time of the King James translation of the Bible. Shakespeare stands less in need of a glossary to most New Englanders than to many a native of the Old Country.
b) No longer in ordinary use, though still used occasionally to give a sense of antiquity.There is in the best archaic coin work [of the Greeks] ... a strength and a delicacy which are often wanting in the fully developed art of a later age.
See Also: archaeologist, archeologist, archaeology, archeology, paleo, Paleo-indian, Paleolithic, paleoethnobotany, horizon, stage, culture, archeobacteria
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