
An old English measure of corn (e.g., wheat), equal to half a quarter or 4 bushels. Also comb.

, 1866: It was equal to half a quarter, i.e. is identical with the coomb of the eastern counties. — James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, Volume 1, p. 168.

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  • Coomb — may refer to: Coomb (unit), a 13th century English liquid measurement by volume. Coombs test, an aid to medical diagnosis. Coomb Teak or Gmelina arborea, a medicinal tree. See also Deeping Coomb, a fictional deep valley in The Lord of the Rings.… …   Wikipedia

  • Coomb — Coomb, n. [AS. cumb a liquid measure, perh. from LL. cumba boat, tomb of stone, fr. Gr. ? hollow of a vessel, cup, boat, but cf. G. kumpf bowl.] A dry measure of four bushels, or half a quarter. [Written also {comb}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Coomb — Coomb, Coombe Coombe, n. [See {Comb}, {Combe}, in this sense.] A hollow in a hillside. [Prov. Eng.] See {Comb}, {Combe}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • coomb — (n.) also combe, deep hollow or valley, especially on flank of a hill, mainly surviving in place names, from O.E. cumb, probably a British word, from Celtic base *kumbos (Cf. Welsh cwm in same sense). Cambridge Dictionary of English Place Names… …   Etymology dictionary

  • coomb — is the usual form (rather than combe) in Britain for a valley or hollow on the side of a hill or a short valley running up from the coast. In place names, however, combe is more usual, as in Ilfracombe, Winchcombe, etc …   Modern English usage

  • coomb — [ko͞om] n. [ME < OE cumb (in place names) < Celt base * kumbos < IE * kumb , var. of base * keu , bend > CUP, HIVE] Brit. a deep, narrow valley; ravine …   English World dictionary

  • coomb —    or coom    a traditional British unit of volume used mostly for dry commodities. A coomb is 4 Imperial bushels; this is equivalent to 5.1374 cubic feet or about 145.48 liters …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • Coomb (unit) — A coomb is a measure of volume. Its exact original details are not known. In 13th century England it was defined as 4 bushels ( 140 L). It was in use in Norfolk until the 1790s or later, as a dry measure: Ben sold my Wheat to the Marlingford… …   Wikipedia

  • Coomb (volume) — A Coomb is a measure of volume. Its exact original details are not known. In 13th century England it was defined as 4 bushels ( 140 L). In use in Norfolk until the 1790s or later, as a dry measure: Ben sold my Wheat to the Marlingford Miller this …   Wikipedia

  • coomb — I. noun see combe II. see coombe …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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