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Osteochondroma — Classification and external resources Lateral radiograph of the knee demonstrating ossification in the peritendinous tissues in a patient with osteochondroma. ICD 10 C40 C41 … Wikipedia
osteochondroma — ▪ medicine also called exostosis solitary benign tumour that consists partly of cartilage and partly of bone. Osteochondromas are common and may develop spontaneously following trauma or may have a hereditary basis. No treatment is… … Universalium
Osteochondroma — An abnormal, solitary, benign growth of bone and cartilage, typically at the end of a long bone. Osteochondromas are usually discovered in persons 15 to 25 years of age. They are typically detected when the area is injured, or when they become… … Medical dictionary
osteochondroma — n. benign tumor of the bone or cartilage (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
osteochondroma — a bony protuberance covered by a cap of cartilage arising usually from the end of a long bone, most commonly around the knee or shoulder. It is due to overgrowth of cartilage at the edge of the physis (growth plate) of growing bones. The… … The new mediacal dictionary
osteochondroma — noun benign tumor containing both bone and cartilage; usually occurs near the end of a long bone • Hypernyms: ↑benign tumor, ↑benign tumour, ↑nonmalignant tumor, ↑nonmalignant tumour, ↑nonmalignant neoplasm … Useful english dictionary
Остеохондрома (Osteochondroma, Множ. Osteochondromatd) — опухоль кости, образующаяся из хрящевых клеток. Она представляет собой бесцветную массу, которая чаще всего образуется в возрасте от 10 до 25 лет на эпифизе длинной трубчатой кости. Так как часть этих опухолей при отсутствии их лечения может… … Медицинские термины
fibrosing osteochondroma — a tumor containing the elements of osteoma, chondroma, and fibroma … Medical dictionary
osteocartilaginous exostosis — osteochondroma … Medical dictionary
остеохондрома — (osteochondroma; остео + греч. chondros хрящ + ома) см. Экзостоз костно хрящевой … Большой медицинский словарь